Call for papers for the I.S.P.O. 20th World Congress
You are invited to contribute to the high-quality interdisciplinary programme of the I.S.P.O. 20th World Congress. Proposals for symposia, instructional courses, technical track presentations as well as abstracts for free paper and poster presentations including the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) student competition are now accepted. This is your opportunity to gain international recognition as a presenter at the world’s leading event in the prosthetics, orthotics, mobility and assistive technology sector.
The congress theme is "Science in Practice, Practice in Science: Collaboration and innovation for sustainable rehabilitation". We encourage presenters to highlight links to the focus on sustainable rehabilitation where possible.
Submission opportunities and deadlines:
• Submission of symposium and instructional course proposals closes on Monday, 7 October 2024
Guidelines for symposium and instructional course proposals
• Submission of free paper and poster abstracts closes on Monday, 11 November 2024
Guidelines for free paper and poster abstracts
• Submission of 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) student competition abstracts closes on Monday, 11 November 2024
Guidelines for the 3MT student competition
• Submission of technical track presentation proposals closes on Monday, 7 October 2024
Guidelines for technical track proposals
After these deadlines have passed, all submissions will be reviewed and submitters will be notified of acceptance. Please review the guidelines before making a submission.
If you have any questions, please contact the I.S.P.O. World Congress team by email at or by phone at +49 341 678-8237 or -8238.
The Scientific Programme Committee and the new Technical Track Committee are looking forward to receiving your submissions and meeting you in Stockholm next year!