During the four-days of the congress, you can expect a high-quality scientific programme delivered by a variety of professionals from various disciplines and countries in keynote lectures, symposia, instructional courses, free paper and poster presentations.

In addition to the scientific programme, you will have the opportunity to attend practical exhibitor workshops.

There will also be two novelties in the programme: The technical track and 3 Minute Thesis student competition.

After a record number of submissions was received, a high-quality interdisciplinary programme can be announced!!
Get a first impression what will await you.

Online Programme

NEW: Technical track

With the aim to promote the fabrication arts through demonstration & hands-on fabrication instruction.

Information about the Technical Track (PDF, 234 kB)

NEW: Early career researchers & students formats

ISPO encourages young scientists and students to attend or participate actively.

Information for early career & students (PDF, 266 kB)

More information about early career and students opportunities

Education credits

Attend the I.S.P.O. 20th World Congress and earn continuing education credits!

The congress programme will be accredited by the ISPO Continuous Professional Development (CPD) committee. The certificate of attendance will reflect the number of credits earned. The certificate can be used as a proof to acquire national or international credits with other certification bodies. The equivalency of the CPD credits to other certification bodies’ credit systems is the responsibility of the other certification bodies.

During the online registration process, registrants are asked if ISPO CPD credits for attending this congress are required.

Attendees who are certified by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics (ABC) can earn Category I and Category II credits. Our programme is pending ABC approval. During the online registration process, registrants are asked to state their ABC certification number. Attendance reports will be provided directly to ABC.