16 - 19 June 2025 I.S.P.O. 20th World Congress

The importance of participation and how this can be achieved in all aspects of life following major lower limb amputation

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM Mon 16. Jun


Major lower limb amputation (MLLA) affects the patient both physically and psychologically as they lose mobility and often become dependent on others until they have progressed through rehabilitation. For those who achieve prosthetic limb fitting, rehabilitation focuses on gait and reducing hospital readmission. Literature often focuses on the populations who achieve bipedal mobility and their componentry, but this is not the experience of the majority.

A prospective cohort study of patients with MLLA in UK will be presented which demonstrates the stark reality of this life saving surgery as mortality at 10 years is >80%. Follow up of this cohort identifies the association between quality of life and participation, which is improved greatly in those who achieve prosthetic limb fitting and regain bipedal mobility.

Considering the limited life expectancy of this population, understanding patient priorities is key. A large qualitative study followed by a qualitative evidence synthesis will be presented which describe meaningful outcome domains of prosthetic rehabilitation from the patients perspective. The ECLIPSE model, developed from these studies, highlights the ability to participate in important activities is most meaningful to patients, indifferent of level of MLLA.

Rehabilitation is key to enabling patients to participate in their important activities, and how this is integrated within patient specific treatments can be challenging. A global overview of various rehabilitation programs will be showcased to inspire AHPs to support patients to participate fully in their lifes following MLLA. This is vital for those with this life altering and life limiting condition.

Statement of the objective / learning objectives

• To understand the impact of major lower limb amputation in dysvascular populations

• To realise the importance of participation from a user’s perspective

• Inspiration for rehabilitation to support the transition to living well in the community


Information about the program