16 - 19 June 2025 I.S.P.O. 20th World Congress

The importance of a global longitudinal database platform for collection of big data related to amputations, prosthetics and outcome.

4:15 PM - 5:30 PM Tue 17. Jun


The theme “Practice in Science, Science in Practice” is exactly what a national quality register stand for. Daily practice is recorded in the clinic to preserve the team joint experiences. On this data we can do research/science and disseminate back the results to clinics for use in daily practice.

The Swedish registry for lower extremity amputations and prostheses (SwedeAmp) was based 2011, and is one of 100 other Swedish registries providing data for quality improvements and research. All these registries are funded by the government and are connected to a competence center for data storing and analyses.

SwedeAmp has experienced a growing international interest for national registries on lower limb amputations, prostheses and outcomes. The COMPASS and LEAD project lead by ISPO have identified parameters of importance for a global registry. However, a joint global platform for data storing and handling is yet missing.

By identifying the scope of amputations, prosthetics and outcome a global platform would speed up and improve the service provided to patients faster than any other method. The results could be compared both domestic and internationally and provide governments and payers a good base for decisions on future investments in the P&O field.

In this symposium four presenters will present their on-going process of setting up a national quality register in their country and highlight the need for a joint data platform. The discussion hope to involve user organizations such as IC2A, WHO and AT scale to form a way forward for further progress.

Statement of the objective / learning objectives

To gain knowledge in the organization of a national health registry such as SwedeAmp, to share experiences in the effort to set up new registries and to discuss the need of a global platform.


Information about the program