16 - 19 June 2025 I.S.P.O. 20th World Congress

ISPO Special Interest Group Upper Limb (SIGUL) discuss sustainability

4:45 PM - 6:00 PM Wed 18. Jun


The 2025 World Congress theme explores the ways we can collaborate and innovate to bring about a more sustainable approach to rehabilitation. Members of SIGUL and invited speakers will discuss ideas around reuse of componentry in upper-limb prosthetics and the legal implications, more sustainable approaches to manufacture and maintenance, what a sustainable service may look like in a low-resource setting, and device afterlife.

Join us to learn more about the aims of the newly formed SIGUL, one of 2 new ISPO International Special Interest groups and what we have accomplished since we last met in Guadalajara. This interactive session will be an opportunity for you to feed back about what you want the SIGUL to look like as it develops. We will then open a discussion around sustainability in upper-limb prosthetics. Learn more about SIGUL and join our mailing list at www.ispoint.org/special-interest-groups/upper-limb/

Founding members: Corry van der Sluis (Netherlands), Alix Chadwell (UK), Dick Plettenburg (Netherlands), Kengo Ohnishi (Japan), Liselotte Hermansson (Sweden), Sandra Ramdial (Canada).

Statement of the objective / learning objectives

• Introduce the SIGUL to a broader ISPO audience

• Update on progress

• Develop ideas which drive us towards a more sustainable future in upper-limb prosthetics


Information about the program