16 - 19 June 2025 I.S.P.O. 20th World Congress

Applications of industrial thermoplastic felt in orthotic solutions

12:45 PM - 1:15 PM Mon 16. Jun


For many years, orthopedic technology in Scandinavia has utilized moldable felt in the manufacture of orthoses, with numerous clinics and companies in this field providing aids crafted from the material. This lecture will explore both the advantages as well as limitations of moldable felt, examining its strengths and weaknesses while showcasing several commonly used orthotic solutions that have proven effective with this material. Additionally, the presentation will illustrate manufacturing techniques and demonstrate how moldable felt can be effectively combined with other materials.

As part of the lecture, physical examples of orthoses made from moldable felt will also be presented.

Statement of the objective / learning objectives

To build awareness and knowledge of the industrial thermoplastic felt and present potential solutions related to material combinations in orthotics.



Information about the program