2.01 (continued) Launch of the WHO Wheelchair Provision Guidelines
- 24/04/2023 | 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Guadalajara 3, Ground floor
Join WHO, ISPO and the International Society of Wheelchair Providers in celebrating the launch of WHO Wheelchair Provision Guidelines. Wheelchairs are one of the most commonly used mobility devices, and have the potential to enhance individual’s health, independence, productivity and quality of life. However, many people are denied access due to a lack of services and/or have poor outcomes due to their needs not being matched to the best wheelchair solution for them.
These Guidelines build on lessons learned from the 2008 WHO Wheelchair Guidelines and have drawn on the growing body of knowledge of best practice in wheelchair provision in order to provide evidence based recommendations and best practice guidance to support countries in developing or improving essential wheelchair services. The Guidelines aim to ensure wheelchair users everywhere have the opportunity for timely access to, and support to use, an appropriate wheelchair through wheelchair services that are people-centred and responsive to their individual needs and goals.
The session will include presentations from a range of speakers and a Q&A.
Statement of the objective / learning objectives
Attendees will hear perspectives from wheelchair users on the status of wheelchair provision globally, learn how the Guidelines were developed using the WHO Guidelines methodology, and have an overview of the Guideline recommendations.