16 - 19 June 2025 I.S.P.O. 20th World Congress

More than Mobility: The Impact of Prosthetic Mobility on Well-Being, Fall Risk and Employment

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM Mon 16. Jun


The modern-day emphasis on value-based healthcare requires readily accessible measures of the cumulative benefits associated with a given treatment modality or course of care. Several years ago, we began collecting prosthetic mobility values using the 12-item short form of the patient-reported Prothesis Limb Users Survey of Mobility (PLUS-M). The indexed nature of this measure facilitates awareness of a given individual’s prosthetic mobility relative to their peers. However, through a series of analyses and subsequent peer-reviewed publications we have determined that this relatively quick assessment of prosthetic mobility also yields valuable insights into additional meaningful constructs.

For example, correlations have been observed between prosthetic mobility and the related constructs of satisfaction with life, quality of life and well-being. Further, we have observed below average prosthetic mobility scores to be associated with a two-fold risk of injurious falls over the preceding 6 months. By contrast, in a separate analysis we observed that above average mobility was associated with more than 3.5 times greater likelihood of post-amputation employment. In this symposium we will describe the observed relationships between prosthetic mobility and well-being, injurious fall risk, and likelihood of employment.

Statement of the objective / learning objectives

Attendees will be able to integrate prosthetic mobility assessment into standard clinical practice.

Attendees will understand the relationship between prosthetic mobility and well-being, quality of life, injurious fall risk and employment capacity.


Information about the program