Keynote lecture
Closing Ceremony
- 27/04/2023 | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Guadalajara 3, Ground floor
Sepp Heim Award
The award honours Sepp Heim's significant lifetime contributions to ISPO and to the development of mobility devices, services, and education in less resourced settings. It recognises an individual or an institution/organisation that has made significant contributions to the development and/or provision of appropriate mobility device services in less resourced settings. The price will be awarded during the Closing Ceremony.
World Congress Best Paper and Poster Prizes
The prizes in the following five categories are awarded by the Scientific Committee of ISPO World Congress to presenting authors of free papers/posters during the Closing Ceremony:
Advancing Clinical TreatmentAdvancing TechnologyAdvancing Psychosocial / Socio-Economic ScienceAdvancing EducationBest PosterChair
Claude Tardif
International Society for Prothetics and Orthotics, Brussels, Belgium
Deirdre Desmond
World Congress Scientific Committee Chair, Maynooth, Ireland
Marlo Ortiz
Ortiz Internacional SA de CV, Guadalajara, Mexico
David Constantine
Wheelchair Provision Guidelines Development Group, Bristol, United Kingdom
David Rusaw
Jönköping University, Sweden