Poster pitch 1
- 24/04/2023 | 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM
Joya, Business Center I, First floor
6.03 Orthotics: lower limb neurological - Functional improvement of lower limb orthotic management in patients with spinal cord injury: A scoping review - Sirirat Seng-iad
6.18 Orthotics: upper limb -The effectiveness of a simplified orthotic torque profile for weight compensation of the hand. - Suzanne Filius
6.39 Prosthetics: upper limb - Reassessment of the possibilities of restoring of the upper limbs functions by prosthetics - Anton Kruglov
6.41 Prosthetics: upper limb - Development of Novel Adeno-Associated Viruses (AAVs) for Targeting of Low-Threshold Mechanoreceptors (LTMRs) to Restore Touch in Prosthetic Systems - Michael O'Donnell
6.42 Prosthetics: upper limb - Design and evaluation of a soft myoelectric hand for children with upper limb amputation - Monireh Ahmadi bani
6.44 Prosthetics: upper limb - Development and and durability test of pediatric terminal device for horizontal-bar activity - Kengo Ohnishi
6.45 Prosthetics: upper limb - Open-Source 3D-Printed Upper Limb Prostheses: Prototypes or Alternative Solutions - Kevin Wendo
6.50 Outcome measurements - Monitoring and Improving the Quality of Prosthetics and Orthotics Services - A Case Study in Rwanda - Subhash Kumar Sinha
6.63 Rehabilitation medicine and surgery - Days to prosthetic fitting after major lower limb amputations – national data from Sweden - Stefan Sanfridsson
6.66 Rehabilitation medicine and surgery - Prosthetics and Rehabilitation in Bilateral Below Knee Amputation and Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Patient with Electrical Burns: A case report. - Laura Paulina Muñoz Velasco